What is an EORI number?

An Economic Operators Registration and Identification number (EORI number) is a European Union registration and identification number for businesses which undertake the import or export of goods into or out of the EU.

Any business or individual established in the EU needs to obtain an EORI number from their national customs authority before commencing customs activities in the EU. An economic operator established outside the EU needs to be assigned an EORI number if it intends to lodge a customs declaration, an Entry or an Exit Summary Declaration. 

In certain cases, companies who move goods between Northern Ireland and Great Britain also require an EORI number.

In case of doubt, please consult your Tax Advisor or the legal authorities in your country.

**Please note, if you are not located in EU or do not wish to ship to Europe and have restricted these countries you do not need an EORI.  However you do need to go into your dashboard and on the left hand side where you see the gray column there are several options.  Click on Settings and you will be brought to the settings on your storefront.  Once there you will scroll all the way down to the end of the page and you will see the field to place your EORI.  You will need to put 0000 in this field and click on the save button.  This will allow you if in the US or UK to still ship anywhere in the US and UK.**