Can I self ship and use my own courier?

In order to be approved to ship your orders outside of our courier, you MUST fill out this form and be approved by our team.

Additionally, it is important to thoroughly review our Terms and Conditions for self-shipped orders, which are provided below. Failure to comply with these conditions may result in the revocation of your self-shipping privileges.

  1. The maximum allowed shipping cost reimbursement will not exceed the reimbursement caps.
  2. You are only allowed to ship orders within the lanes and countries Creoate operates. Anything outside our operational lanes would be considered fraud and would lead to immediate deactivation from the platform.
  3. You are required to inform the buyer about the order being self-shipped and add the tracking details to your Dashboard as soon as it's available.
  4. For international orders (e.g. outside your shipping country), you are familiar and able to complete the necessary paperwork for imports into the import country. If you cannot do so, you will disable these countries from your Dashboard.
  5. For international orders, you are required to settle custom duties with your carrier in DDP format. The buyer should not be reached out by yourself or your carrier for custom duties payment.
  6. Cancelling orders significantly impacts your growth on the platform so you are required to review your 'Shopping Country Restrictions' within your dashboard to ensure no orders are received where you cannot self-ship. You can always use Creoate shipping for orders you cannot self-ship

The reimbursement caps for self shipping:

UK to UK - maximum of £8.99

UK to EU - maximum of £15.99

EU to UK - maximum of £15.99

EU to EU - maximum of £15.99

UK to US - maximum of £24.99

US to UK - maximum of £24.99

US to US - maximum of $24.99