1. Seller Help Center
  2. Shipping & Fulfilment
  3. Order Packaging & Shipment Preparation

How should I pack my order?

There’s nothing more disappointing for your retailer than receiving damaged or broken items in their order, which is why careful packing is essential. Here are some tips for packing your order correctly


  • Always use high quality corrugated cardboard boxes for parcels. For fragile or heavy items, we recommend double-wall or tri-wall constructions.
  • Avoid reusing old boxes as they may have lost some of their rigidity.
  • Look out for the manufacturer stamp which tells you information about the construction type and strength of a box. Ask your box supplier for more information as required.


  • Under-filled boxes may collapse and over-filled boxes may burst. Prevent this by choosing a box with the right size for the content being shipped. Very large boxes may result in an oversized shipment charge


Once your order is packed and ready to go, you should book a shipping label. Instructions for doing so can be found here. You can pack your order into multiple boxes if needed, but please make sure a shipping label is fixed to each one of them. 

Please note that you will be responsible for replacing or refunding any items that arrive damaged due to improper packing.